Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Action From Previous Rifles Tournament
(Photo by Alfredo)

Get ready for some great local hockey as the Rifles East - West Invitational Hockey Tournament will be held this coming weekend on Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18. This Tournament will feature some of the best teams in New England and all games are being held locally. The U-18 games will be held at UMass at the Mullins Center or at the UMass Practice Facility. All the U-14, U-15, and the U-16 games will be held at the Olympia Ice Center in West Springfield, MA.

Tournament Director, Kevin Kervick, tells us that this year's lineup is the premier showcase of talent and that the very best of U-18, U-16, U-15, and U-14 talent will be competing this weekend.

Click on the following for the Tournament Schedule and relevant information:

Two local teams will be participating, The Springfield Rifles, and the Springfield Pics. Get out there and see some good hockey at these levels and support our local teams.

Alfredo DiLascia
Image News Service

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