Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sports Media: Anti-Prayer, Anti-Christian, Anti-God

The proof, as always, is in their actions. Whether it be ESPN, ABC, NBC, HBO, or Fox Sports television. Or whether it be in the print sports media such as Sports Illustrated, USA Today Sports, ESPN the Magazine, Inside Sports, the Sporting News, and many others, they are all anti-Christian and really anti-God. In fact with Sports Illustrated pushing their "Swim Suit" edition is much more important to them. Now THERE is a positive influence on our young people involved in or interested in sports.

A major happening before and after games, related to sports, are prayers and religious services of all faiths that occur routinely. If nothing else one would think that this would be a very relevant human interest is news. Yet any mention or coverage of this is avoided like the plague by the sports media. Athletes in Action is a highly regarded sports ministry where there is a player initiated tradition and practice of prayer before and after games. During this time of such division in our country this is a wonderful sign of unity of faith. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is still another organization promoting prayer before and after games. Often after a game players from both teams will hold hands in prayer...what a wonderful example for our young people! Yet the television cameras will quickly turn away, even though this is VERY relevant news related to sports.

Often after a game, or a boxing match, the star of the game or winner is interviewed. The athlete will begin the interview by thanking God...saying such things as "I would like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ"...or some other reference to God. You can tell that the interviewer is VERY uncomfortable with this and their body language revels this, as well as quickly moving on to another subject. I am sure that they are directed to be this way by their network management who pays their salaries.

Nowhere has the anti-Christian, anti-God bias been revealed than that related to Tim Tebow. Tebow was an up and coming football sensation at the University of Florida as a quarterback. He was a multiple All-American pick, Heisman Trophy winner, 2 time National Champion at Florida, 2 time Maxwell Trophy Winner, Davey O'Brien Award Winner, Manning Award Winner, multiple selections as the Player of the Year...and there was much more. Most importantly, he was a winner and any coach, any team looks for that. He was an up and coming star for sure. But two things started to happen. The first thing is it was obvious that the sports media were VERY uncomfortable with him kneeling and praying on the sidelines...and his references to God while being interviewed. The topper, however, is that a Christian group, Focus on the Family, put forth a Super Bowl ad that briefly indicated that his mother while doing missionary work in the Philistines contracted amoebic dysentery while pregnant and doctors suggested an abortion. She refused and the result was Tim Tebow! For the sports media and the far left this was intolerable and there were cries to boycott the Super Bowl. For the far left, make no mistake about it, abortion is their Holy Grail.
The whole attitude toward Tebow started to change. Suddenly well known sportscasters began criticizing his abilities. It was a constant barrage and flow of negativism about Tim Tebow...on television, in print...everywhere. This previously up and coming sensation was suddenly persona non grata with the media. In fact it was popular to criticize his abilities and they received a "star" if they did, it was career enhancing to do so. Don't get me wrong, like any player in the NFL there are pluses and minuses when it comes to Tim Tebow. Yet to poison the water about Tebow before he ever gets a chance, to stack the deck with negativism was a terrible thing to do...yet that is exactly what they did. Shame on ALL of them!

if I were an owner and head coach of an NFL Team, Tim Tebow would be on my team. He brings character to the team, something that seems increasingly absent in the NFL. He is a winner, and possesses that certain something that brings about a winning team. At 6' 4" and 245 lbs he is a major force...and he always stays in shape. He can run and he can throw. I would have devised an offense around his positive abilities, whether that be some kind of "wildcat" offense or other new innovative offense. If I were an owner or head coach, by now I would have won a Super Bowl with Tim Tebow.

Sports News in America IS anti-Christian and anti-God. And there is PLENTY proof of this...just open up your eyes and ears. 

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