Friday, October 7, 2016


Pedroia Dances For a Score !
(AP Photo)

The Red Sox won the World Series before they got there. What the heck do I mean by that ? They had a great end of season with 3 sweeps and 11 wins in a row; exciting younger players combined with veterans who were playing well; and a number of impressive batting averages. Pitching was also coming together at the right time. They swept 4 games against the Yankees, 4 against the Oriels, and 3 against the Rays. The excitement was growing in Boston. To top it off David Ortiz was having a great end of career season, Bob Costas declared him the Best DH in Major League history...and of course, Big Pappi had to be honored.

The Rays honored Big Pappi, followed by the Yankees, followed by 3 nights in a row at Fenway Park. Headlines, media coverage, 2 documentaries, and a bridge in Boston was named after him. Looking back, a bit much wouldn't you say? Not only all this but NESN kept showing the Red Sox World Series victories, over and over and over. The atmosphere in Beantown was this is the year AGAIN, they are going to win it all and become World Champions in 2016.

In the meantime, I think they took their eye off the ball with all the celebration, Ortiz mania, and hoopla. Suddenly they lost 3 games in a row to the Yankees, that included a devastating grand slam walk off home run by Mark Teixeira that took the wind right out of their sails. It was so bad that they had to force a celebration for backing into the AL East Championship, the whole thing was kind of flat. They then ended the season with 2 losses against the Blue Jays for 5 losses in a row. Oh well, the Red Sox were ordained to win it all.

The Cleveland Indians, who had been playing steady winning baseball weren't ready to give in to the Red Sox. Former Manager, Terry Francona, knows the Red Sox culture well and had his team fully celebration, no hoopla...just good fundamental baseball.

I think that the Red Sox peaked a little too early and got all caught up with all the excitement and Ortiz mania. They were ready to ride the Big Pappi horse and win it all. The only problem is that the Big Pappi horse is 40 years old...and guess what? He's human.

They blew it...maybe next year....

Alfredo DiLascia
Image News Service

PS: I hope you criticize me with a Red Sox comeback......but I don't think so!

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